
One-click Access to Articles
Get one-click access to articles by using the following tools.
LibKey Nomad Browser extension that enables single click access to library content from publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia and more.
LibKey.io allows you to search for an article by DOI or PMID, delivering one-click full text access to our subscribed or Open Access content.
Google Scholar linking our library & Knowledge service to Google Scholar will ensure that you get access to any full text that we subscribe to.
Go from DOI or PMID to article in one-click.
Click here to access the online search engine which you can save to your favourites for easy access or use the below search box to search for articles.
Simply type in the DOI or PMID & click 'Find Article'.

Make sure access is provided by 'Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust' - if not you can search for our institution.
If available full text format options will be listed.
If no full text is available there will be a link to our article request form on our website.
LibKey Nomad Extension
How it Works:
Links to the full range of available content, including primary publishers, aggregators, open access alternatives and more.
Easily install in seconds in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave and Vivaldi.
After installation, LibKey Nomad prompts you to select your subscribing institution. Select 'Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.' After that, it simply automatically scans for scholarly content wherever you may roam.

Nomad does not require the creation of a personal account
Nomad does not cache or hold credentials. This ensures security and makes Nomad fully compatible with two-factor authentication, Virtal Private Network (VPN) system, Open Athens and more
Nomad is active only when the user is on the web page of a scholarly publisher or database, all other domains are ignored
Google Scholar
Library Links
Google Scholar can be used to search for scholarly information online, including articles, books, conference papers, theses, grey literature and official reports. Linking our library & Knowledge service to Google Scholar will ensure that you get access to any full text that we subscribe to.
You can connect to the Library & Knowledge Service via Google Scholar settings & selecting 'Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust'. This will give you direct access to our electronic resources.
For more information on how to set up Library Links click here.