
Current Awareness
We offer a current awareness service to help you stay up to date with relevant research and news.
Want to set up an alert or subscribe to bulletins? Just let us know and we'll be happy to help.
Contact us to discuss your current information needs and we will advise on your options. We are happy to review and extend our service to meet your requirements wherever possible.

BrowZine enables you to browse, read and monitor current journal content on your mobile device, laptop or desktop PC. It brings together articles from our subscribed journals and Open Access material into a single place.
Browse and read journals: Browse thousands of top journals by subject, easily review tables of contents, and download full articles.
Stay Current with My Bookshelf: Create a personal bookshelf of titles to follow and receive new article notifications.
Knowledge Share
What it is? KnowledgeShare is an online web-based current awareness system.
Why use it? You will receive the latest high-level evidence in your field.
How do I get access? You can register for knowledgeShare here.
You will need an OpenAthens account registered with us.
If you have an account log in here.

eTOC Alerts
eTOC is a free email alert service which will send you a table of contents for the latest issue of an e-Journal.
Setting up an eTOC for your chosen e-Journals is a good way of keeping up to date with the latest research and news articles in your field.
If you would like any assistance in setting up eTOCs, please provide us with your NHS Trust email address and details of the journals that you are interested in.