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Book & eBook Collection

The book stock consists of over 7,000 books and eBooks including a varied selection of fiction and other interest. 


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eBook Collection

Image of books on a shelf on a laptop screen

We have a large selection of eBooks available to browse, read online or download to your computer or electronic device.


To access our eBook collection you will need an OpenAthens account. You can register for an account here. 


You can find eBooks via the library catalogue or directly through your OpenAthens login.


  • To search through our library catalogue simply enter a title or keyword in the search box. If an eBook is available it will show on the screen. Simply click on the record, click 'read me' and you will be asked for your NHS OpenAthens username and password.




Nursing eBook Collection
Nurse holding an iPad

From clinical guides, and evidence-based practice manuals, to practical handbooks and professional growth titles, this collection includes hundreds of e-books to help nursing staff and students find the information they need to provide outstanding patient care. 


Topics include:


  • Evidence-Based Nursing

  • Home Care Nursing

  • Leadership

  • Nursing Management

  • Nursing Research and Theory

  • Pharmacology


Start browsing today - you will need an OpenAthens account.


Oxford Medicine Online logo

We have access to hundreds of Oxford Handbooks, Textbooks and Emergencies in.... via Oxford Medicine Online.


You can access Oxford Medicine Online directly here.  If you are logged into a Trust computer you will be automatically authenticated. If you are working on your own device or at home, click  on the 'person icon' in the top right-hand corner - select 'Sign in through your Institution', search 'NHS in England' and select, then enter your Open Athens login credentials.


Alternatively you can access them through your NHS Open Athens account. Under 'My Resources' click on the link for the 'Oxford University Press academic resources'.

Kortext logo with images of book covers

These collections are designed to cater to diverse interests and educational needs, offering  valuable insights into various subjects. See below:


  • Diversity Collection:

  • Primary Care Collection

  • Resilience and Wellbeing Collection

  • Sustainability Collection

  • Psychological Professions Collection

  • Karger Fast Facts


To access Kortext you will need to sign in to your NHS OpenAthens account. Under 'My Resources' click on the link for the Kortext eBooks, then click on the 'collections' tab to view the eBooks we subscribe to.  


Alternatively you can access Kortext directly here, and ​​search for 'Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust' as your institutional library. You will then be asked to sign in to OpenAthens.

Ebook Central
ProQuest eBook Central website landing page

This collection covers a wide variety of health topics, aimed at all healthcare professionals and students.


Featured titles:


  • Dermatology Made Easy

  • Geriatric Medicine at a Glance

  • ABC of Sports & Exercise Medicine

  • Research Methods in Health



You can access Ebook Central directly here. Using the search bar to find eBooks in your chosen topic.


Alternatively you can access via your NHS Open Athens account, under the 'My Resources' tab and click on the link for Ebook Central.​


Print Collection

An open book

Members can borrow up to eight books at a time subject to local service level agreements.


Most books are available for an initial six week loan period.


We also have a wide variety fiction and other interest section for leisure reading.


A number of older editions of books are withdrawn from our stock at regular intervals and are free on a first come first served basis. 


We are happy to take any requests for new titles. Please enquire using this form or speak to a member of the library team.



Request a Book/eBook

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